
Showing posts from June, 2019

Great strides in the pool - in a way

I've been out of the pool for a bit recently, due to a shoulder injury. My physio says that my upper back is incredibly tight - not muscularly, but just the upper vertebrae are nearly seized. He has been manipulating my back for 20-minutes at a time, which was quite painful, and didn't seem to be doing any good. After three sessions of this, he told me to stop swimming, in case that was the cause of my shoulder pain. I took a week off, but noticed absolutely no improvement, despite religiously doing my exercises and stretches. So, on Thursday, he tried something different. As well as working on my back, he did a bit of work in my pectoral muscles. This was a new level of pain, but seemed to finally have some impact on the pain! I was able to breathe more comfortably, and whilst the pain isn't gone, it's the first time it has gotten better since I first noticed it a month ago! He gave me the go-ahead to get back in the water. I've been watching some swim training

Back on the wagon - this time for a full IM!

As always seems to happen, the blog fell away and I forgot about it. However, I did complete the 70.3 last October, and had an absolutely amazing time. I finished in about 5:08, and have my sights set on going sub 5:00 next time! However, what is now the bigger priority, is completing the Busselton 140.6 on 1 December 2019! I've started the full Base/Build/Specialty cycle on TrainerRoad, I've bought a Triathlon bike (should arrive Tuesday!), and I've begun shunting other commitments to the side. This time around, I have some training buddies! Phil and Bobbles are both planning on doing Busso as well, and so we are all keeping each other honest in our training. I'm nearing the end of week 3 of base, and whilst I haven't been 100% with all my workouts (I missed one swim last week, and I couldn't complete two workouts yesterday), I've been pretty close. Given that I'm only just getting back into this, I'm not too worried about one workout or two