What a difference a week makes!

Last week, I came down with a cold. Not an extraordinary one, but certainly enough to keep me off work for a day, and have me feeling rotten for most of a week. 

Normally, I would just push through, and try to keep on training, but for once, I actually backed off, and stopped training for a week. So, Thursday through to Monday was 'resting'. 

This isn't something I'm used to. If I don't exercise for two days, that's a 'long' rest, so having 5 days off in a row was something new to me, at least in the last year. 

Yesterday's bike workout was a set of 1-minute intervals at 130%, with 2-minute recoveries. 5 intervals, and 3 sets. I felt absolutely amazing during the efforts, and felt like I finished each interval and each set comfortably and evenly. Then, swimming that afternoon, felt smooth, powerful and effective. Even the core workout session after that was good, although by that time I was beginning to struggle to keep up. 

I guess the lesson here is that rest is more powerful than it seems. 


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